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Kraków, ul.Bonarka 11. Tel: 12 357-66-05
Genesis Gear Flash Diffuser 2 in 1 is a compact easy-to-use light modifier
Genesis Gear Flash Diffuser 2 in 1 is a compact easy-to-use light modifier.
The lamp diffuser has two types of light-diffusing surfaces, white and silver. The white side of the modifier will soften the light considerably, giving the effect of smooth tonal transitions, while the silver side will diffuse the light, giving a slightly harder light. Mounting is extremely simple, just put the diffuser on the reporter lamp using the implemented mounting straps.
The kit being sold includes:
Next77 sp. z o.o.
ul. Bonarka 11, 30-415 Krakov
www.next77.pl, gpsr@next77.pl