Hoya UX CIR-PL (PHL) 43mm filter
      Hoya UX CIR-PL (PHL) 43mm filter
      Hoya UX CIR-PL (PHL) 43mm filter

      Hoya UX CIR-PL (PHL) 43mm filter

      71,00 zł
      Tax Included
      Rupture de stock

      The UX CIR-PL (PHL) filter of this type can be used in both professional and digital cameras, which ensures more vivid images. The filter can effectively control reflections on non-metallic surfaces such as water or glass, increasing the saturation with better contrast.

      Quantité :
      Aucun produit disponible
      • Politique de confidentialitéPolitique de confidentialité
      • Expédition et manutentionExpédition et manutention
      • Garantie et retoursGarantie et retours

      The abbreviation "UX" comes from the words "User experience". The manufacturer, calling this series UX, used the experience of photographers and created a filter that meets most of the users expectations.


      • The structure of the filters has a polarizing film between the two glasses, and the front frame is designed to rotate so that it positions the polarizing film at the desired angle.
      • The threads on the edges allow other filters and lens caps to be installed on it.
      • The thin UX CIR-PL frame prevents vignetting even with wide-angle lenses.

      The kit sold includes:

      • HOYA UX CIR-PL (PHL) 43mm filter
      • original packaging

      Fiche technique

      Filter diameter
      UX CIR 43mm
      Type of filter

      Informations requises par le Règlement général sur la sécurité des produits (GPSR)

      Fabricants :

      Oto przetłumaczona wersja na **język francuski** z zachowaniem struktur HTML i nazw własnych:
      • Brinno : Brinno Inc., 4F, No.107, Zhou Zi St., District de Neihu, Taipei City 11493, Taïwan
        brinno.com, sales@brinno.com
      • Cokin : Cokin France, 32-34 rue du Jura, Bâtiment Sapporo, 94633 RUNGIS Cedex, France
        cokin.com, marcom@cokin.com
      • Fomex : Hyundai Fomex Co., Ltd, 31, Seongsui-ro 18-gil, District de Seongdong, Séoul, Corée du Sud 04787
        fomex.com, info@fomex.com
      • Quadralite : Godox Photo Equipment Co., Ltd, Zone Industrielle de Yaochuan, Communauté de Tangwei, Rue de Fuhai, District de Bao'an, Shenzhen 518103, Chine
        godox.com, gpsr@next77.pl
      • Genesis gear : Next77 sp. z o.o., ul. Bonarka 11, 30-415 Cracovie
        next77.pl, gpsr@next77.pl
      • Godox : Godox Photo Equipment Co., Ltd, Zone Industrielle de Yaochuan, Communauté de Tangwei, Rue de Fuhai, District de Bao'an, Shenzhen 518103, Chine
        godox.com, godox@godox.com
      • Hoya : HOYA Corporation, 20F Nittochi Nishishinjuku Building, 6-10-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8347, Japon
        hoya.com, info@tokina.eu
      • Irix : TH Swiss AG, Rathausstr 14, Boîte Postale 1557, Baar 6341, Suisse
        irixlens.com, gpsr@irixlens.com
      • Magmod : MagnetMod, 6097 E Grant Rd, Tucson, Arizona, États-Unis 85712
        magnetmod.com, support@magnetmod.com
      • Marumi : Marumi Optical Co., Ltd, 6F, D’sVARIE Okachimachi Bldg. 4-13-21 Taito, District de Taito, Tokyo 110-0016, Japon
        marumi-global.com, international@marumi-filter.co.jp
      • Meike : Hongkong Meike Digital Technology Co., Ltd, No. 69, Chuangye Road, Zone Industrielle Est, District de Xindu, Chengdu City, Province du Sichuan, Chine, 610500
        mkgrip.com, saleseight@mkgrip.com
      • Newell : Newell Power Brand, ul. Brukowa 10, 91-341 Łódź, Pologne
        newell.pro, newell@fdirect.eu
      • Pixel : PIXEL ENTERPRISE LIMITED, 2706, Bâtiment C, Xinghe WORLD II, Communauté Minle, Rue de Minzhi, District de Longhua, Shenzhen, Chine
        pixelhk.com, pixel@pixelhk.com
      • Raynox : Yoshida Industry Co., Ltd, 3-18-7 Kitamachi, District de Nerima, Tokyo, Japon
      • Samyang : LK Samyang Co., Ltd, 123, Jayumuyeok 6-gil, Masan Hoewon-gu, Changwon, Corée du Sud
        lksamyang.com, marketing@lksamyang.co.kr
      • Sirui : Guangdong SIRUI Optical Co., Ltd, Troisième Zone Industrielle, Wuguishan, Zhongshan City, Province du Guangdong, Chine
      • Sunwayfoto : Zhongshan Sunwayfoto Photographic Equipment Co., Ltd, Salle 301, Bâtiment 1, No. 9 Jintai Road, Village de Pingnan, Ville de Sanxiang, Zhongshan City, Province du Guangdong, Chine
        sunwayfoto.com, sales@sunwayfoto.com
      • Tokina & Kenko : Kenko Tokina Co., Ltd, KT Nakano Building, 5-68-10 Nakano, District de Nakano, Tokyo 164-8616, Japon
        kenkoglobal.com, customerservice@kenkotokina.com
      • Tumax : Icorp Development Ltd., Unité 602, Bloc B, Sea View Estate, 2-8 Watson Road, North Point, Hong Kong
        icorpandtumax.com, icorp@itumax.com

      Responsable dans l'UE :

      Next77 sp. z o.o.
      ul. Bonarka 11, 30-415 Cracovie
      www.next77.pl, gpsr@next77.pl

      Hoya UX CIR-PL (PHL) 43mm filter

      71,00 zł
      Tax Included