Quadralite RGB SmartStick 20
      Quadralite RGB SmartStick 20
      Quadralite RGB SmartStick 20
      Quadralite RGB SmartStick 20
      Quadralite RGB SmartStick 20
      Quadralite RGB SmartStick 20
      Quadralite RGB SmartStick 20
      Quadralite RGB SmartStick 20
      Quadralite RGB SmartStick 20

      Quadralite RGB SmartStick 20

      455,00 zł
      Tax Included

      Quadralite RGB SmartStick 20 is a LED light, often also called a lightsaber or light wand. This LED light has an adjustable color temperature between 2800K and 8000K. On top of that, it can produce millions of colors thanks to CCT and HSI modes. SmartStick 20 has a power output of 20W. Thanks to easy controls, the light can be easily dimmed and the built-in battery allows for use outdoors without any power source.

      Note: Use the lamp only on a charged battery. It is not recommended to use the lamp while charging.

      Quantité :
      • Politique de confidentialitéPolitique de confidentialité
      • Expédition et manutentionExpédition et manutention
      • Garantie et retoursGarantie et retours

      SmartStick 20 can be used in full RGB spectrum allowing for easy achievement of multiple special effects without using any additional gels. Thanks to CCT or HSI modes, you can fine-tune the desired color. GEL mode allows for a choice of predefined gel colors (blue, orange, straw, cyan, green, yellow, red, magenta, pink, lavender).
      There are also 10 available special effects: 1. RGB wheel, 2. Lightning, 3. Police, 4. Paparazzi, 5. A broken fluorescent lamp, 6. Fireworks, 7. Pulse, 8. Explosion, 9. TV, 10. Fire.

      Quadralite SmartStick 20 can also work in conjunction with other lamps (up to 99), both in Slave and Master mode, in 99 different groups. The lamp can be controlled from the built-in panel or the dedicated Quadralite mobile app. This significantly increases the convenience and speed of use, making it easier to adjust the lighting in real-time. In the app, you will have the ability to control the color temperature, HSL, as well as a selection of 48 practical color filters and many effect modes, with more personal settings than from the panel on the lamp. The application allows you to simultaneously control multiple Quadralite lamps at the same time.

      The lamp has a 1/4 "tripod mount at the bottom, allowing it to be mounted on a lighting or photographic stand, making the work on the set even easier.
      SmartStick Quadralite is designed for creative use in photography and film. It allows you to achieve many different effects using only one device. This reduces the amount of equipment needed, and also allows the implementation of many creative ideas. It has many modes useful for video productions. The ability to combine it with other lamps and lightsabers can give surprising and very interesting results

      Thanks to the characteristic shape and low weight, the use of lightsabers is very convenient and it isn’t limited only to working in the studio. Thanks to the built-in rechargeable battery with a capacity of 2600 mAh, lamps of this type are ready to work regardless of the power source available. Their transport and outdoor use are therefore super easy. This type of lighting is also very popular with vloggers, also due to the ease of its control.


      • maximum power: 20W
      • color temperature: 2800K-8000K
      • CRI: 95
      • TLCI: 95
      • control: by application, by the panel on the lamp
      • lux at 1m: 580
        smooth power regulation in the range from 0-100%

      Set contains:

      • Quadralite RGB SmartStick 20
      • user manual
      • charger
      • carrying case

      Fiche technique

      Power in W
      Dimensions in cm
      50 x 582
      Weight (kg)
      Power supply
      Power control
      smooth from the lamp level
      Colour Temperature (K)
      RGB SmartStick 20
      Color temperature

      Informations requises par le Règlement général sur la sécurité des produits (GPSR)

      Fabricants :

      Oto przetłumaczona wersja na **język francuski** z zachowaniem struktur HTML i nazw własnych:
      • Brinno : Brinno Inc., 4F, No.107, Zhou Zi St., District de Neihu, Taipei City 11493, Taïwan
        brinno.com, sales@brinno.com
      • Cokin : Cokin France, 32-34 rue du Jura, Bâtiment Sapporo, 94633 RUNGIS Cedex, France
        cokin.com, marcom@cokin.com
      • Fomex : Hyundai Fomex Co., Ltd, 31, Seongsui-ro 18-gil, District de Seongdong, Séoul, Corée du Sud 04787
        fomex.com, info@fomex.com
      • Quadralite : Godox Photo Equipment Co., Ltd, Zone Industrielle de Yaochuan, Communauté de Tangwei, Rue de Fuhai, District de Bao'an, Shenzhen 518103, Chine
        godox.com, gpsr@next77.pl
      • Genesis gear : Next77 sp. z o.o., ul. Bonarka 11, 30-415 Cracovie
        next77.pl, gpsr@next77.pl
      • Godox : Godox Photo Equipment Co., Ltd, Zone Industrielle de Yaochuan, Communauté de Tangwei, Rue de Fuhai, District de Bao'an, Shenzhen 518103, Chine
        godox.com, godox@godox.com
      • Hoya : HOYA Corporation, 20F Nittochi Nishishinjuku Building, 6-10-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8347, Japon
        hoya.com, info@tokina.eu
      • Irix : TH Swiss AG, Rathausstr 14, Boîte Postale 1557, Baar 6341, Suisse
        irixlens.com, gpsr@irixlens.com
      • Magmod : MagnetMod, 6097 E Grant Rd, Tucson, Arizona, États-Unis 85712
        magnetmod.com, support@magnetmod.com
      • Marumi : Marumi Optical Co., Ltd, 6F, D’sVARIE Okachimachi Bldg. 4-13-21 Taito, District de Taito, Tokyo 110-0016, Japon
        marumi-global.com, international@marumi-filter.co.jp
      • Meike : Hongkong Meike Digital Technology Co., Ltd, No. 69, Chuangye Road, Zone Industrielle Est, District de Xindu, Chengdu City, Province du Sichuan, Chine, 610500
        mkgrip.com, saleseight@mkgrip.com
      • Newell : Newell Power Brand, ul. Brukowa 10, 91-341 Łódź, Pologne
        newell.pro, newell@fdirect.eu
      • Pixel : PIXEL ENTERPRISE LIMITED, 2706, Bâtiment C, Xinghe WORLD II, Communauté Minle, Rue de Minzhi, District de Longhua, Shenzhen, Chine
        pixelhk.com, pixel@pixelhk.com
      • Raynox : Yoshida Industry Co., Ltd, 3-18-7 Kitamachi, District de Nerima, Tokyo, Japon
      • Samyang : LK Samyang Co., Ltd, 123, Jayumuyeok 6-gil, Masan Hoewon-gu, Changwon, Corée du Sud
        lksamyang.com, marketing@lksamyang.co.kr
      • Sirui : Guangdong SIRUI Optical Co., Ltd, Troisième Zone Industrielle, Wuguishan, Zhongshan City, Province du Guangdong, Chine
      • Sunwayfoto : Zhongshan Sunwayfoto Photographic Equipment Co., Ltd, Salle 301, Bâtiment 1, No. 9 Jintai Road, Village de Pingnan, Ville de Sanxiang, Zhongshan City, Province du Guangdong, Chine
        sunwayfoto.com, sales@sunwayfoto.com
      • Tokina & Kenko : Kenko Tokina Co., Ltd, KT Nakano Building, 5-68-10 Nakano, District de Nakano, Tokyo 164-8616, Japon
        kenkoglobal.com, customerservice@kenkotokina.com
      • Tumax : Icorp Development Ltd., Unité 602, Bloc B, Sea View Estate, 2-8 Watson Road, North Point, Hong Kong
        icorpandtumax.com, icorp@itumax.com

      Responsable dans l'UE :

      Next77 sp. z o.o.
      ul. Bonarka 11, 30-415 Cracovie
      www.next77.pl, gpsr@next77.pl

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      Quadralite RGB SmartStick 20

      455,00 zł
      Tax Included