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    Quadralite Lampa LED QLTP 28 tuba świetlna Pixel
    Quadralite Lampa LED QLTP 28 tuba świetlna Pixel
    Quadralite Lampa LED QLTP 28 tuba świetlna Pixel
    Quadralite Lampa LED QLTP 28 tuba świetlna Pixel
    Quadralite Lampa LED QLTP 28 tuba świetlna Pixel
    Quadralite Lampa LED QLTP 28 tuba świetlna Pixel

    Quadralite Lampa LED QLTP 28 tuba świetlna Pixel

    355,00 zł
    Tax Included

    Quadralite LED RGB QLTP Pixel is a new series of tube lights. Compared to the QLT series, they feature pixel effects with 7 default settings. This lighting system is fully compatible with the entire Remote Control System of Quadralite lamps and panels. Thanks to the use of such solutions, QLT can serve as main lights on photographic and film sets, as well as as additional, creative lighting of scenes. 

    The Quadralite Light Controller application is now available on IOS!

    Note: Use the lamp only on a charged battery. It is not recommended to use the lamp while charging.

    Quantité :
    • Politique de confidentialitéPolitique de confidentialité
    • Expédition et manutentionExpédition et manutention
    • Garantie et retoursGarantie et retours

    By implementing such solutions, the QLTP can serve as main lights on photo and film sets, as well as additional creative lighting for scenes. Adjustment of each lamp during work on set is possible either through buttons on the housing or via a dedicated smartphone application.

    The QLTP 28 model offers a maximum brightness of 127 lux at a distance of 1 meter and is equipped with a built-in battery, allowing for long work on photo and film sets. The light intensity is controlled in the range from 0 to 100%. Creative work is ensured by the ability to adjust the color temperature within the range of 2800 to 8000 K and choosing from the full RGB color palette in HSI mode.

    Various lengths of lamps, professional housing finish, and the ability to create complete sets of strong lighting allow for the use of RGB QLTP tubes both in amateur and professional productions. Working in the studio as well as outdoors is made possible by the built-in battery and the option for quick and easy charging from the power grid. Their versatile application possibilities make them an indispensable element for every photographer and filmmaker.

    Full Spectrum of Colors

    The LED Tube Light RGB QLTP lamps allow work within the full spectrum of RGB shades. This provides the opportunity to achieve interesting and creative color effects without the need for gel filters. This reduces the amount of equipment used and speeds up work on set. The GEL mode allows for the selection of many popular filter colors (blue, orange, cyan, green, yellow, red, magenta, pink, lavender).

    Special Effects (EFX mode)

    The QLTP tube lights offer the ability for creative work on film sets thanks to programmed special effects. 10 modes can be freely adjusted in terms of speed and light intensity.

    RGB QLTP 28 (1 of 1) 1x1.png

    Control of Other Lights

    The Quadralite LED Tube Light RGB QLTP can work in conjunction with other lamps (up to 99) in both Slave and Master modes, within 99 different groups. The lamp can be controlled from the built-in panel or the dedicated Quadralite application. With full compatibility with other models of lamp systems, QLTP can be used as both main and additional, effect lighting sources.

    Quadralite App

    The Quadralite mobile application is designed for remote control of LED tubes. This significantly increases convenience and speed of use, facilitating real-time lighting adjustment. In the app, we have the ability to control the HSI color temperature and choose from 48 practical color filters, as well as many more effect modes with greater personal settings than from the LCD panel. The app allows simultaneous control of multiple Quadralite continuous light lamps at once.

    Mounting Options

    The lamps have a ¼" tripod mount allowing them to be mounted on a lighting or photographic stand, making work on set even easier. Included with the lamp is also a 3/8” threaded holder.

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    Creative Possibilities

    The tube lights have been designed for creative work in photography and film, allowing for various effects using just one device. This reduces the amount of necessary equipment and allows for the realization of all ideas. The lamps have many modes that can be used in video production. Combining them with other lights can result in exceptional outcomes.

    Pixel Effects

    Since each diode shines independently, we can achieve lighting effects not available for ordinary LED tubes or light swords. The lamp has 7 programmed Pixel effects such as: Rainbow, Cycle, Running, Trans, Flow, CCT Trans, and Flame. Custom effects can be easily achieved using the Quadralite app.

    qltp-new-lamps (3).png


    Thanks to the distinctive shape and low weight, using light swords is very convenient and not limited to studio work only. Thanks to the built-in battery, such lamps are ready to work regardless of the power source we have. Their transport and work outdoors are therefore surprisingly easy and enjoyable. This type of lighting is also very popular and used by vloggers, also due to its ease of control.

    Key Features

    • Color temperature: 2800–8000 K
    • 103 lux at 1 meter
    • 2600 mAh battery capacity
    • Battery run time (2800K 100%): 1,5 hour,
    • CRI 95+ / TLCI: 97+
    • Control: mobile app / buttons
    • Smooth power adjustment from 0 to 100%

    In the Box

    • Quadralite LED RGB QLTP 28 Tube
    • USB Type C to Type A cable
    • Soft case
    • User manual
    • Original packaging

    Informations requises par le Règlement général sur la sécurité des produits (GPSR)

    Fabricants :

    Oto przetłumaczona wersja na **język francuski** z zachowaniem struktur HTML i nazw własnych:
    • Brinno : Brinno Inc., 4F, No.107, Zhou Zi St., District de Neihu, Taipei City 11493, Taïwan
      brinno.com, sales@brinno.com
    • Cokin : Cokin France, 32-34 rue du Jura, Bâtiment Sapporo, 94633 RUNGIS Cedex, France
      cokin.com, marcom@cokin.com
    • Fomex : Hyundai Fomex Co., Ltd, 31, Seongsui-ro 18-gil, District de Seongdong, Séoul, Corée du Sud 04787
      fomex.com, info@fomex.com
    • Quadralite : Godox Photo Equipment Co., Ltd, Zone Industrielle de Yaochuan, Communauté de Tangwei, Rue de Fuhai, District de Bao'an, Shenzhen 518103, Chine
      godox.com, gpsr@next77.pl
    • Genesis gear : Next77 sp. z o.o., ul. Bonarka 11, 30-415 Cracovie
      next77.pl, gpsr@next77.pl
    • Godox : Godox Photo Equipment Co., Ltd, Zone Industrielle de Yaochuan, Communauté de Tangwei, Rue de Fuhai, District de Bao'an, Shenzhen 518103, Chine
      godox.com, godox@godox.com
    • Hoya : HOYA Corporation, 20F Nittochi Nishishinjuku Building, 6-10-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8347, Japon
      hoya.com, info@tokina.eu
    • Irix : TH Swiss AG, Rathausstr 14, Boîte Postale 1557, Baar 6341, Suisse
      irixlens.com, gpsr@irixlens.com
    • Magmod : MagnetMod, 6097 E Grant Rd, Tucson, Arizona, États-Unis 85712
      magnetmod.com, support@magnetmod.com
    • Marumi : Marumi Optical Co., Ltd, 6F, D’sVARIE Okachimachi Bldg. 4-13-21 Taito, District de Taito, Tokyo 110-0016, Japon
      marumi-global.com, international@marumi-filter.co.jp
    • Meike : Hongkong Meike Digital Technology Co., Ltd, No. 69, Chuangye Road, Zone Industrielle Est, District de Xindu, Chengdu City, Province du Sichuan, Chine, 610500
      mkgrip.com, saleseight@mkgrip.com
    • Newell : Newell Power Brand, ul. Brukowa 10, 91-341 Łódź, Pologne
      newell.pro, newell@fdirect.eu
    • Pixel : PIXEL ENTERPRISE LIMITED, 2706, Bâtiment C, Xinghe WORLD II, Communauté Minle, Rue de Minzhi, District de Longhua, Shenzhen, Chine
      pixelhk.com, pixel@pixelhk.com
    • Raynox : Yoshida Industry Co., Ltd, 3-18-7 Kitamachi, District de Nerima, Tokyo, Japon
    • Samyang : LK Samyang Co., Ltd, 123, Jayumuyeok 6-gil, Masan Hoewon-gu, Changwon, Corée du Sud
      lksamyang.com, marketing@lksamyang.co.kr
    • Sirui : Guangdong SIRUI Optical Co., Ltd, Troisième Zone Industrielle, Wuguishan, Zhongshan City, Province du Guangdong, Chine
    • Sunwayfoto : Zhongshan Sunwayfoto Photographic Equipment Co., Ltd, Salle 301, Bâtiment 1, No. 9 Jintai Road, Village de Pingnan, Ville de Sanxiang, Zhongshan City, Province du Guangdong, Chine
      sunwayfoto.com, sales@sunwayfoto.com
    • Tokina & Kenko : Kenko Tokina Co., Ltd, KT Nakano Building, 5-68-10 Nakano, District de Nakano, Tokyo 164-8616, Japon
      kenkoglobal.com, customerservice@kenkotokina.com
    • Tumax : Icorp Development Ltd., Unité 602, Bloc B, Sea View Estate, 2-8 Watson Road, North Point, Hong Kong
      icorpandtumax.com, icorp@itumax.com

    Responsable dans l'UE :

    Next77 sp. z o.o.
    ul. Bonarka 11, 30-415 Cracovie
    www.next77.pl, gpsr@next77.pl

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    Quadralite Lampa LED QLTP 28 tuba świetlna Pixel

    355,00 zł
    Tax Included