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The extreme set will allow you to easily start working on any film set. These 5 will let you shoot anything your client will need. From extreme real estate shots to extreme close-ups. Each lens matches with another providing a consistent look across the whole range that not only stands out but also makes your post-production much easier. While preserving details and colors, it will give you this almost vintage look, with unique bokeh.
is a perfect lens for an extremely wide shot. A favorite of many for real estate production. With the 117°, you will be able to make even the smallest spaces feel welcoming and spacious. Lack of fish eye effect and very low distortion will help in keeping all those door frames straight.
will be your go-to lens for any opening shot. This wide distortion-free lens will catch everything. A 21mm lens is also a great choice for any tight locations, where shooting from distance is not possible. Like events or weddings. With T1.5 this wide lens can cut out the background, producing beautiful bokeh.
is a perfect medium shot lens. Either when trying to catch more of your interviewed person, leave some extra space around, or catch some b-roll it will perform great. On a crop sensor, it becomes closer to 45mm, which makes it a perfect portrait lens.
lens is a favorite of current Irix users. A prime example of “Irix look”. With T1.5 shoot in any light conditions. Sharp across the whole range allows you to capture those beauty shots while wide open. Add an ND filter and get beautiful shots, that will stand out even in daylight.
designed for macro work allows for unmatched shots. Either food, product shots, or nature, 150mm can do it all. Amazing detail preservation, will wow your clients or audience.
The set comes with 3 basic filters that will allow you to start shooting in any condition. Each with Magnetic Mount System for quick workflow and SR rated to protect your lens. Being scratch-resistant.
Irix Edge UV filter- neutral filter, that will protect your lens.
Irix Edge CPL filter- useful to control reflections on sunny days
Irix Edge ND16 filter- will cut 15/16 of the light reaching the sensor. Thanks to that, you can keep the iris opened up even during the bright day.
Filter case- to keep them secured
Irix lenses are designed to complement each other when working in the set. Each has the same distances of focus and iris gears to make swapping them much easier. Similar weight and size help to avoid rebalancing tripod, Steadicam, or gimbal. Irix lens optics are designed to provide the same picture. Preserving contrast, color, and sharpness across the whole set. When in need to add filters, most lenses come with 86mm filter thread and 94mm front diameter.
Irix lenses are weatherproofed to let you on work no matter what conditions you will approach. Each is sealed to keep the dust, sand, or water out. Making your camera only limitation, on where and when you can shoot. With the expansion of the Irix set, Nanuk was a perfect fit for a case that can keep up with the lenses. Their cases are well known around the world as very durable and tough.
Wole set including the case weighs around 9kg.
Next77 sp. z o.o.
ul. Bonarka 11, 30-415 Cracovie
www.next77.pl, gpsr@next77.pl